How to Create a Morning Wellness Routine

Most people would agree that mornings aren’t always the bet part of our day. Some might even say they downright suck. Leaving your cozy, warm bed for the harsh, cool world outside can be difficult, especially in the winter. Luckily, the warmer weather is just around the corner which makes it a great opportunity to make some changes, like creating a morning wellness routine to kick-start your day!

Morning Wellness Routine.png

A morning wellness routine is a regime that you cultivate to give yourself the motivation and energy to put your best foot forward each day. Whether you have a full day of work ahead of you or a simple day off, a morning routine is all about starting your day off right so you can go after whatever is in your heart. Not every morning is going to go perfectly, but hopefully some of these tips can help you bounce out of bed with a little more pep in your step!

A good morning starts the night before

Getting a good night’s rest is essential to a good morning the next day – as is doing everything you can to make your morning run as smoothly as possible. That means packing a healthy lunch, organizing your outfit so you aren’t scrambling at the last minute, and reviewing your plans for the next day.

Set your alarm 10-15 minutes earlier

I know, waking up even earlier sounds like the last thing you want to do to make mornings easier, but it actually works. If your morning is rushed, the rest of your day will feel chaotic. Starting your day a little bit earlier allows you to take your time getting ready, maybe even sit down to eat breakfast instead of eating on your way in to work. If 10-15 minutes seems like a lot, try adding a couple of minutes at a time to gradually get your alarm going earlier.

Have something to look forward to

Maybe it’s your favourite kind of coffee, or a great new podcast – having something to look forward to in the morning is the easiest way to get out of bed. Some days, it’s yoga or an early gym session and others it’s a special treat with breakfast. Whatever it is, make it something that gives you a reason to get out of bed and start your day.

Nourish your body with a healthy breakfast

I know it’s cliché, but it really is true – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Start your day off with a nourishing breakfast that will give you the boost you need to get you through your day. Not only will you look forward to enjoying this each morning, but you’ll be less likely to reach for an unhealthy snack mid-morning.

Have a morning ritual

Make your mornings sacred by including a ritual – a small self-care activity that you can practice each day. Writing each morning has become a ritual of mine that is deeply personal and fulfilling to me. It lets me clear my head, be creative and devote a small part of my day to my passion. No matter what else I do that day, I know that I’ve at least accomplished that.

Start with gratitude and intentions

The most important part of my day is not my daily jolt of caffeine or my green smoothie – it is starting each day by setting an intention for the day and practicing gratitude. I like to create a mental image of how I want to feel throughout my day and focus on that as I get ready, like an active meditation. By adding in a little gratitude, it helps me to focus on what is most important.

Starting a morning wellness routine will look different for everybody. Focus on what works for you and what will give you the motivation to be your best self each day.

What is part of your morning routine? Let me know in the comments below!

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37 Replies to “How to Create a Morning Wellness Routine”

  1. I could not agree more with this post! It’s so important to start your day with gratitude and not in a stressful state! Thank you for sharing these tips, it’s helped me really think about my morning routine!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally agree that a good morning starts the night before. When I make a point to review my calendar the night before things go so much smoother. Thanks for the great reminders!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. AGREED! Mornings were so horrible for me for so long. The one thing I have to remember is to eat a healthy breakfast. I am always tempted with the treats on the counter from the evening before! Honestly, I learned to say thank you every morning for a new day and counting the blessings I have. It’s amazing how it can change your frame of mind!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I absolutely can’t have my mornings rushed. As you’ve mentioned, I do wake a bit early to take things easy and at my pace. I give some time to myself and like to spend some time alone in peace. That really plays a big role in having my day relaxed! Thanks for sharing these amazing tips!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love all these ideas! I’m a morning person so it’s not hard for me to get up, but I don’t always want to face the day (AKA work) so having something to look forward to is helpful.


  6. I am really trying to embrace this, but the morning and me are not friends. With four kids though if I don’t do it in the morning, it doesn’t happen & I know I need that time for my Momma sanity.


  7. Great Article!! I can tell you I really need a morning routine. Most nights I can’t sleep. I’m a blogger and quite a few nights I’ll wake up a 2:30am, can’t fall back asleep so I start working. This is one area of my life that I’m really lacking and need to start doing!! Thank You!!


  8. I love this! Sometimes I seem to forget to take care of myself sadly! I now try to eat breakfast and drink a green juice every morning. Just adding the juice has really improved how I feel the past few weeks 🙂


  9. This is a fantastic little guide! I always try to wake up a little earlier so that I can relax in the morning 🙂 Another tip I would suggest is to include healthy, non-toxic products into your routine so that you know you’re treating your body well!
    Please check out my non-toxic beauty blog for healthy, toxin-free living:


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